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Ten unkown things about director Shankar

Shankar will always think about the plot for his film alone. Once he creates a plot he will tell this to the friends who are not connected to cinema and also to important people in cinema. It is Shankar’s style to write the screenplay after getting their views.

Shankar has the habit of exercising for one hour daily. He has a hi-tech gym in his house.

Shankar is fond of foods. He knows by heart about the special items in various hotels and places.

Whenever he has time, he use to call his teenage friends and the friends when he was an assistant ,to his office and speak to them open heartedly for hours together.

Shankar favourite number is eight. So he is particular that his car number, cell number and release date will be eight.

Shankar’s favourite thing is work. He will start his discussion in the office at 10 in the morning which will go up to 9 in the night. He says that this is the best way to relax

Shankar does not miss any important Tamil film that is being released. He will give importance to the film even if it has new faces.

He has the habit of shooting a fighting scene for at least one month. He will shoot the song sequences for 20 days. He expects perfection. But other scenes he will shoot rapidly.

However busy he is, he will spend the whole day with his wife and children on their birthday.

Shankar has the habit of listening to the new tunes for his film at least 200 times at various times. After this, only he will decide whether to ok it or not.

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